If you like self-improvement books, I think you will like this one. "Rich by 22" by Tom Corson-Knowles is a not just another self-improvement book, it is really a very good self-improvement book. I literally could not stop reading this. The book is recommended reading for any young person and for anyone that is not rich and wants to get rich. The book says we live in a world of abundance and all you have to do is to go out there and take your share. The book also says you should not try to live someone else's life. The other wise statements in the book which I agree with are:
"Give up trying and start doing."
"Don't listen to negative people."
"You'll never know how good you are until you do it."
"Turn off the TV and step back in to real life."
"Always keep your word."
"You make yourself rich or not - it's up to you."
"To be rich, you must learn to do more with less."
Tom Corson-Knowles is wise beyond his years. Many thanks to this young author. He wrote his inspiring book of self-growth and personal development. It could change the course of reader's life. Well worth the read for all ages.
It is regrettable that such a book is not in Russian, published in Russia. Here, too, there are many young people who dream of getting rich by 22.
Tom Corson-Knowles. Rich By 22: How To Achieve Business Success At An Early Age (Akin to: Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Oprah Winfrey, Vic Johnson, Steve Pavlina, Napoleon Hill). — Amazon.com, 2012. — 81 p. — [Kindle Edition]
P.S. Это мой отзыв на сайте Amazon.com на книгу: Том Корсон-Ноулз. Разбогатеть к 22 годам. Как достичь успеха в бизнесе в раннем возрасте.
Этот молодой и умный не по годам автор на своем примере показывает, как в молодом возрасте создать свой бизнес, преодолевая трудности и помехи на пути, и обрести финансовую независимость. Книга здесь.
Том Корсон-Ноулз -- известный блоггер и автор №1 множества бестселлеров, изданных в электронном формате Kindle книжным порталом Amazon.com. Среди других его наиболее успешных книг наиболее широкую известность получили "How to Make Money with Twitter" и "How to Reduce Your Debt Overnight". Том предприниматель и инвестор. Он изготавливает SAD-лампы (позволяющие преодолевать сезонную депрессию из-за дефицита освещенности) в гараже своего отца. Живет он в городе Капаа, штат Гавайи в Тихом океане. Своим любимым занятием считает обучение других предпринимателей добиваться успеха в жизни и вести образ жизни в полном соответствии со своей мечтой. Подробнее об авторе.
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