Under the right circumstances everybody are able to achieve true greatness. If you truly believe things are possible they become possible, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. But we spend too much of our time being brainwashed into thinking we are (not) good enough, we are (not) strong enough, and that someone else or something controls every aspect of our lives.
This 142 page book shows exactly how the brains of people are different. Frequently we suppose that something or someone controls our destiny. This book of Trainwashing strives to change our demotivating set of mind and allow us to be in control over our current and future life.
The author, Michaelson Williams, says that most of us are malignantly brainwashed into thinking that we are not able to compose own way in life. He calls his new method Trainwashing. This is a practical method of cleansing your mind of the accumulated negative patterns in your brain due to brainwashing. Michaelson William, an entrepreneur, author, and critical thinker, applies a unique philosophy and psychology.
I really found this book useful. I see how to pass old sticking points and move forward using a "winner's brain" strategy. This book really opened up my mind, and converted the secrets of positive brainwashing into useful tool of success.
Michaelson Williams. Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing. — 2012. — 142 p. — [Paperback and Kindle Edition].
P.S. Это мой отзыв для Amazon.com о книге американского автора Майклсона Уильямса "Trainwashing: Секреты позитивного мозга". В сущности книга подтверждает известное клише о том, что каждый человек способен достичь любых высот величия и успеха, если сумеет правильно настроить свой мозг. Но мы постоянно подвергаемся промыванию мозгов, из-за которого полагаем, будто мы недостаточно умны и сильны, чтобы успешно решить сложную задачу. Книга обучает тому, как преодолеть такой негатив и настроить свой мозг позитивно с помощью авторской методики, получившей название trainwashing.
Сайт автора: http://www.michaelsonwilliams.com
Видеопрезентация книги: http://youtu.be/-Wha8-Sj4Jo
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